1. I was born in South Korea.
  2. I came to the United States when I was 10 years old.
  3. I am a PK (Pastor's Kid).
  4. I was in a Pom-pom Squad in High School.
  5. I am very spontaneous.
  6. I struggle with stage fright (being part of a group is fine). I get stage fright if everyone is looking at me.
  7. I started writing songs after I became a Christian.
  8. Ken and I celebrated 30th wedding anniversary on June 16, 2009.
  9. I majored in Accounting but I don't like Accounting. It gives me a headache.
  10. My favorite stores are Talbot Outlet and Nordstrom Rack (Marina Square Center in San Leandro) because I get best bargains there. I only look at an additional % off of clearance. I was trained from childhood NEVER to spend full price.
  11. My first time ever skiing, I smashed into an unpadded steel pole and was taken to an emergency room.
  12. When I was around 11 or 12, I ran away from home. When it got dark I got scared so I returned home the same day. My parents never did find out that I ran away from home.
  13. I used to be TERRIFIED of animals BUT now I love my Max (1/2 Chihuahua, 1/2 toy poodle).
  14. When I was in grade school, I gave a black eye to a boy that teased me. He never teased me again.
  15. My first car (no oil) blew up while I was driving on a highway. Thankfully I was not hurt.
  16. I married my first boyfriend. Ken and I met when we were 19 years old and married when we were 22 years old. Ken and I are 9 days apart. He is older of course (haha). This was very important to my mother-in-law.
  17. I love musicals.
  18. I don't drink anything caffeinated.
  19. I had lasik surgery done (both eyes at the same time) in 2008.
  20. I'm allergic to apples.
  21. While backing up during my first driver's license test, I scratched my best friend's mother's car. Needless to say, I failed the test.
  22. I love kids. I wanted 12 kids. My husband wanted 2. I prayed hoping God would change my husband's mind but instead God changed my mind. They discovered tumor in my uterus and I ended up having a hysterectomy at age 30. I'm very thankful that God gave us Derek and Michelle.
  23. I accepted Christ on 5/19/1987. Just because you come from a long line of pastors (father, grandfather & great-grandfather), your relationship with Christ is not guaranteed. You need to make a personal choice. I'm so glad that Jesus is in my life.
  24. One of my goal is James 1:19 - Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger.
  25. My ultimate goal in life is to praise the Lord all the days of my life and serve Him faithfully.